So I decided to stray from my original intent of the The Hungy Root but I think that this story is worthy of a blog...
Sunday afternoon my apartment flooded due to a busted kitchen sink valve. Water soaked my kitchen floors as well as bled onto other carpeted areas. Water restoration guys came immediately to alleviate the damage which entailed pulling up my carpet, ripping out the padding and then placing 9 big fans and two even bigger dehumidifiers throughout my 800 square foot apartment. It has been an interesting experience however I’m looking on the “bright side”. Here is a list of my “bright sides”:
1. The motor of the dehumidifier backs up into the toilet and warms the porcelain toilet seat for a more comforting bathroom experience.
2. At certain spots in the condo, you feel like a supermodel on a fabulous photo shoot because your hair is blown by a fan to create drama. Really gives me a chance to work on my "VOGUE" and fierce eyes.
3. I no longer can hear my neighbor's weird music.
4. It has been age-defying....having access to just a bedroom and bathroom brings me back to my college dormitory days.
5. My fiancé and I have had a lesson in communication. We no longer can yell information or favor asking from room to room. Communication has resorted to face to face interaction due to the loud fans. That or you just get your butt up and do it yourself.
6. My fiancé acknowledged that we can now fulfill one of the many duties of Spring cleaning - reaching all the back surfaces of the furniture for dusting since all it has been rearranged in the apt.
7. Once the fans get out of here, I will have a new appreciation for peace and quiet even if it is peace and quiet plus any surrounding neighbor noise.
8. Upon exiting the shower you can send yourself through "auto-dry" just like a car wash.
9. Its really helped with my agility - maneuvering through the condo is sort of like an obstacle course therefore it pretty much takes care of my work out for the day.
and lastly,
10. The experience has really helped me cut calories, the big fan that you have to move to get into the fridge makes you think twice about a little snack.